Oh well this isn't a movie review but while we waited for our Golmaal show to start, we went and sat in the hall which was screening Due Date that stars Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis, two people on a cross-country road trip.
Being directed by the director of Hangover, Todd Phillips, one could almost feel the movie suffered from a hangover of "The Hangover". It was good for a while before humor just turned nasty. I like Galifianakis's deadpan style of humor but I thought Downey Jr. was in the wrong movie. Will watch the rest on DVD.
Being directed by the director of Hangover, Todd Phillips, one could almost feel the movie suffered from a hangover of "The Hangover". It was good for a while before humor just turned nasty. I like Galifianakis's deadpan style of humor but I thought Downey Jr. was in the wrong movie. Will watch the rest on DVD.
I also thought this movie was OK but didn't crack me up so much like Hangover did. Still, I love Juliette Lewis and though her role was minor it was worth it just for that... ;)