And with this post I have reached number 50 and that is saying something for a person who had hoped to maintain a diary since 2003. But now this not too personal blog has given me that chance although it started out strictly for memory maintenance. Along the way though, one's personality does come to light. I have had a chance to read other blogs which has given me a new perspective on many things. I mostly write about music and entertainment and one my passions - travelling. Things like these keep me going. I have become a lot more perceptive not to mention a trifle sarcastic. But the everyday grind of life with the ups and downs needs some sort of exhaust.
I hope this blog will continue to morph into something perhaps more useful or opinionated on topics that continue to disturb me or the society at large.
Oh yes this post comes from India which imo is the most unpredictable country in the world. I have come here after 2 years and enjoying every moment of it since I am catching up with old friends and pesky relatives. I could have uploaded some pics but the ghastly slow internet speeds don't allow me to do so. Will try to put together details once I get back to the US. Cheers..
I hope this blog will continue to morph into something perhaps more useful or opinionated on topics that continue to disturb me or the society at large.
Oh yes this post comes from India which imo is the most unpredictable country in the world. I have come here after 2 years and enjoying every moment of it since I am catching up with old friends and pesky relatives. I could have uploaded some pics but the ghastly slow internet speeds don't allow me to do so. Will try to put together details once I get back to the US. Cheers..