
‘Por qué estás tan enojado? Por qué estás de mal humor?’ asks Jose a man who runs a pizza shop on 45th Street NY. His question is addressed to a man with an apron and holding a mop ‘Qué decir? Se trata de la recession.’ The bespectacled man replies with an air of resignation   

If you are wondering what is happening then the translation goes like this. Jose asks the man, a sweeper and a cleaner, what’s with the bad mood and the man answers, what to say, it is the recession.   The recession, the recession, the recession, does everyone have to blame everything on the economic crisis? I mean have people stopped littering on the street to affect this guy? Going by the trash on the streets of Manhattan, I would have to say these people would stay in business perennially.   

Wealth may or may not grow, mergers may or may not happen, bridges and railways may or may not be built but what will grow is ….hair. Yes gentlemen and oh yes ladies too, I have come up with a foolproof method in these torrid times. Open a barber shop. Only hair possesses this uncanny knack of increasing in length on head, face and all other parts you won’t expect and would also raise an occasional objection as to why it is there? 

I will state this doesn’t work for me though. It is nature’s darned subterfuge with the male evolution that the protein filament on our head refuses to rise after an age.  From the time I have come to the US, my hair have been falling like leaves in the autumn season but unlike the trees who bloom during spring, mine are like the rain in Cherrapunji, it just keeps on falling. And I don’t know where to point a finger …..recession perhaps? 

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