Its barely been a week since the Mumbai police filed a chargesheet against Kasab and other perpetrators behind the November 26 attacks, the terrorists are at it again. This time they targeted my favorite game. It was past midnight here and I was watching Sehwag going hammer and tongs against the Kiwis, when the news filtered in that the Sri Lankan team had been attacked in Lahore. It was shocking and I did not feel like watching the game anymore. All those thoughts about sportsmen will not be attacked seemed hollow and baseless as the Indian government's claims on providing security to our major cities.
NDTV went as far to report that perhaps this attack was meant to be for the Indian team who were scheduled to tour but fortunately canceled it. This was frightening itself and I am just shuddering at the thought of what if the Indian players were on that bus. Just imagine a bruise to SRT(revered as God by certain people) would have perhaps brought out unequivocal cries of war with our neighbors.
Just wishing a speedy recovery to all Sri Lankan players and officials affected by this cowardly act . I leave you with this excellent article on rediff -
As I type this, I read that the IPL is in doubt as well. Damn!!
NDTV went as far to report that perhaps this attack was meant to be for the Indian team who were scheduled to tour but fortunately canceled it. This was frightening itself and I am just shuddering at the thought of what if the Indian players were on that bus. Just imagine a bruise to SRT(revered as God by certain people) would have perhaps brought out unequivocal cries of war with our neighbors.
Just wishing a speedy recovery to all Sri Lankan players and officials affected by this cowardly act . I leave you with this excellent article on rediff -
As I type this, I read that the IPL is in doubt as well. Damn!!