Back to some office stories. So off I went to the toilet to answer nature's call and what I see once I enter. All the cubicles are occupied. Not the least surprising since Americans have been stuffing themselves with all things since the discovery that bread could be sliced. All I can see are shoes, some polished(maybe the big shots), some which are in between dirty and clean and some which told me the man was rolling himself in the snow sometime or the other.

So after I am done, the cubicles still remain occupied giving me a fair indication that perhaps the meat had not gone down too well with the digestive system last night. Then suddenly one pair of feet move as the body they are attached to is done with its business. Now while he adjusts his belt, his ID card slips off which mostly hangs from the pant loops. Worst of all it slips through the bottom of the cubicle and is in full view of the public. Now what is one supposed to do, pick up the card and wait for the man to come out so that you can hand it over? Is it fair to embarrass him specially if he just one hierarchical level down from the vice president and five levels above me, high enough to make me join the ever increasing unemployed list in this recession. Fair to say, I did hang around over there a bit longer , nothing being wrong with my digestive system but just to study the reaction.

Then the big boss comes out, polished shoes, cleansed system and all. I just pretended to wash my hands. He picked his card, had a good hard look at it(the photo was taken maybe 20 years ago) and walked off nonchalantly whistling to himself.
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