We finally submitted our final exam which was seriously becoming an albatross hung around our neck. The format was weird. We had to form our own question, four of them in all and then answer them. How silly you might say but according to our professor it was his way of knowing whether we can teach him what we learned.Hmmm... we were pretty much going around in circles after that.

Anyways so what happened after that my two roomies and best friends Vishal and Nicholson(names kept the same in order to inflict as much publicity on them) decided to leave and join a training course in Chicago. Apparently the decision was taken on a whim and was conveyed to me in a similar manner while I was in office trying one of the cookies baked by one of the most beautiful girls at our workplace. Needless to say I choked on it and lost my only chance to praise that beauty....the cookie you nutheads.

And now I am living alone all by myself in a two bedroom apartment feeling cut off from the rest of the world. Friends for two years and vanished in a jiffy. But........I am HAPPY. Alright girls here is your cue ;) Welcome but maintain discretion, don't all arrive in a heap seeing an eligible guy alone
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